Monday, March 23, 2015

Supreme Court Justices: Meet and Greet!

Today, we unfortunately were cut short from our meet and greet. For this post, I would like you to introduce yourself ( as the justice you represented)  and inlcude the info that you researched about them.  Then, respond to ANOTHER JUSTICE, explaining WHY or WHY NOT this would be someone you would befriend. Be civil! Discuss!


  1. I am Anthony Kennedy , a justice on the U.S supreme court and i was appointed by Ronald Reagan. I graduated from Harvard law school and went on to teach constitutional law. I may have some conservative views but i have also sided with decisions that focus on individual rights. I co-authored the court's majority opinion which voted on a woman's right to have an abortion. I wrote the court's decision in Romer, Governor of Colorado v. Evans , which voided an amendment to the Colorado state constitution that prohibited state and local governments from creating laws that would protect the rights of gays, lesbians and bisexuals. I am a pretty cool guy !

  2. I am Samuel Alito, I am a 68 year old justice on the United States' Supreme Court and I am conservative. I attended Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs as well as Yale School of Law I am 100% sure I am well educated. Due to my experience, I was appointed by George W. Bush and I am honestly grateful for being able to serve as a justice interpreting the constitution. Sure, I may be conservative but I am for abortion. Who is to say women do not have the right to abortion? Well I do! I say they don't need a man's permission before getting an abortion. In fact, in the Supreme Court Case Planned Parenthood v. Casey, I was the only court justice on the platform to throw out the Pennsylvanian law that said women had to notify the man. Although I am very timid and soft spoken, I love my job. It is fascinating. I would be with Clarence Thomas because besides the fact that he is two years younger, he too is conservative and that is great. Also, I find Justice Ginsberg extremely adorable but she is too much of a liberal for me, sorry. I am a decent man. Why not take a chance?

    1. I would love to be friends with you justice Samuel Alito. We work at the same place, why not get to know each other even more? I love that you're a conservative!!!!!

  3. Hello everyone my name is Samuel Alito. I am 68 years old and I love my job as a justice in the United States' Supreme Court. I am a very conservative man who does see the value in Abortion. I played an important role in the Court case between Planned Parenthood v. Casey where I was the only court justice that opposed and took action on the Pennsylvania law the required the consent of a male for a woman to get an abortion. Absolutely ridiculous I must say. I have been noticing Justice Thomas from across the room for quite some time now and I must say I would find it absolutely fascinating if we were to hang out and have a cup of Conservative tea. Yum

  4. I am justice Anthony Kennedy. I was appointed to be a justice by our last president Ronald Reagan. As of now, I am 78 years old. I am a very conservative guy which means I have sort of a constructionist interpretation of the constitution. I participated in a very famous case called Roe vs. Wade regarding abortion, my vote was in favor of this act. By the way, I am also a Roman Catholic if that's of any importance to you. Even though I'm religious, I think women should have the right to practice abortion or not.I am a pretty interesting guy even though I'm old, I have much to tell....

  5. I was not a justice, however - I would befriend justice Sonia Sottomayer and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for their liberal and Democratic views. Though they both aren't extremely young, their views are quite youthful, liberal, and progressive.
