Thursday, March 5, 2015

As per today's class discussion

In class today, we discussed, read and listened to the various calls for the impeachment of the President from members of congress and other legislatures. What's your opinion on this? Sound off! Provide some sort of basis for your argument. (Evidence!) 


  1. In my opinion, I believe all the various calls for the impeachment of the President is completely ridiculous and very tiring. They wanted to impeach him because of his birth certificate and Republicans questioning his U.S Citizenship (CNN). Then it was on the Benghazi attacks. Then the bailouts and so on and so forth. It is a never ending list with him. President Obama does not deserve all the calls for impeachment due to his usage of executive orders, which according to PBS is only 183. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) criticized Obama's executive actions on immigration reform as he firmly believes he "violated the law". In fact, if the Republicans do impeach Obama (if they do), it would simply damage their image and reputation as stated in a Forbes article "Impeachment of Obama Would Do Serious Damage To Republicans". As Ralph Benko writes, "An attempt at impeachment…would subject the GOP to being painted as a persecuting force."

  2. I dont think that impeachments are a bad thing for Congress to exercise. As we discussed before, we fear that any branch exceeds its power and this is a way of checks and balances. I agree with Madison when he said that presidents can sometimes lose their capacity of being a good president and can even commit unlawful things, so I think it's pretty fair to exercise impeachments. However, sometimes they impeach presidents for silly stuff like Alondra said they wanted to impeach the president over a birth certificate and tried to get hin out of office by coming up with all these things about his life. Of course presidents should expand their powers during times of crisis but Congress has to be checking on him from now and then So he won't abuse his power like when Johnson someone from his cabinet without congress' approval.

  3. I agree with Yohanna and Alondra. A lot of members of congress are doing whatever they can to get rid of President Obama. It is true that impeachment is a way to prevent a president from becoming too powerful and as a way to protect the people. However, all Obama is trying to do is help the people who live in this country, yet Republicans are flipping out over his immigration policy. Instead of focusing on impeaching Obama, they should focus on helping the Amercan people. Yes, Obama hasn't been going through congress to pass legislation, but there's nothing he can do if congress is refusing all his actions.

  4. I believe that the notion of impeaching Obama is the most immature move Congress has ever done. They can say it is because Obama is overstepping his role of president but that is the flimsiest excuse ever thought up. Everyone knows that a good bit of Congress wanted to get rid of Obama since day one because he is black. Obama uses executive orders because he is tired of all the roadblocks Congress is throwing up at every one of his attempts to do something. (One of the roadblocks even resulted in the government shutdown last year due to disagreements on his healthcare plans). As Ashley pointed out, Congress should focus more on helping the American people rather than overthrowing the president.
