Friday, March 13, 2015

Exxon Valdez

Do you think that the U.S. Responded in an effective way to this environmental crisis? Discuss!! 


  1. I think they did respond in an effective way because most of the things that we come up with as a class, was very close to what they actually did in that situation. However, the regulations that they made probably weren't that effective since we had another oil spill after that.

  2. I also agree with Yohanna , what we discussed in class was similar to the actions taken to clean up the Exxon oil spill. Even though the oil got cleaned up it still had long term effects and people are still either affected by it or there are law suits still being filed.

  3. I agree with Yohanna and Elizabeth. I also believe that they took appropriate actions to deal with the oil spill. If they didn't act quickly or if they didn't work together, the situation could have become way more catastrophic. Although they dealt with that spill fairly effectively, they weren't able to prevent the BP oil spill. Hopefully we won't have to see another spill like that again.

  4. I agree with all of the comments above because the U.S. did respond in an effective way to deal with this oil spill in Alaska. Most of what they actually did, was what we thought each department should do in order to resolve the problem. I think the main issue they were concerned about was the affect the oil will have on the environment.
