Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices?

Since we didn't get to finish today's discussion (as per ALWAYS), let's finish it here (as per ALWAYS) Based on the arguments we reviewed today, as well as other research you may have done, I would like you to write your opinion (based on evidence we / you read) below.  Please write your own opinion + comment on someone else's (in a meaningful way)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Supreme Court Justices: Meet and Greet!

Today, we unfortunately were cut short from our meet and greet. For this post, I would like you to introduce yourself ( as the justice you represented)  and inlcude the info that you researched about them.  Then, respond to ANOTHER JUSTICE, explaining WHY or WHY NOT this would be someone you would befriend. Be civil! Discuss!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Tuesday's Test review


Legislative oversight - WHAT IS IT + EXAMPLES 
Iron triangles
Inherent powers of the President  
Ways congress can check the executive branch
Pocket veto
Line item veto
Informal powers of the President
War Powers Act – constitutional conflict?
Constitutional procedures for impeaching the President
Independent executive agencies
Government corporations
How many cabinets are there?
When are Presidents the MOST popular with the people?
Independent regulatory agencies
22nd Amendment
Where do revenue bill originate?
The job of the Federal Bureaucracy – why do they have an advantage over the President?
What is the job of the Attorney Journal?  

Exxon Valdez

Do you think that the U.S. Responded in an effective way to this environmental crisis? Discuss!! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

FRQ tomorrow :)

Warning: FRQ tomorrow on War Powers Act and fromal / informal  war making powers of the president and congress. Study!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

As per today's class discussion

In class today, we discussed, read and listened to the various calls for the impeachment of the President from members of congress and other legislatures. What's your opinion on this? Sound off! Provide some sort of basis for your argument. (Evidence!) 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The President's Power of Persuasion

Just to wrap up today's seminar, what do you personally think is more important, the formal or informal powers of the President? Why? Provide evidence from your readings (Cornell notes + today's articles) to support your argument. Discuss!