Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Burkean Trustee

As per today's class discussion...Do you agree with the idea of the 'Burkean Trustee' Model of government? Or, do you think that representatives make decisions based on their need to get reelected? Make sure you post and also RESPOND to each other. 


  1. In my opinion, I do not agree with the idea of the "Burkean Trustee" Model Edmund Burke formulated. Personally I do not want to have a person who I voted for go against my opinions just because they believe their judgement is better. Yes our representatives do have much experience and we placed our trust in them to represent us and our issues, but to not take consideration of our voice is somewhat unnerving and insulting. We should not let Congress fully take the lead, using their own judgements as their final decision. They should be "checked on" by us because we are the people and the government is run by the people. With this idea placed, there are some representatives that do make decisions solely to get reelected. Image plays an important factor for voters during election. As humans, we are drawn by positivity. We like it when our issues are dealt with and feel important. However, there must be compassion and sincerity in what the representative does to give back to the people.

    1. I agree with you Alondra. You made very important points. And yes, she shouldn't let congress take the lead but have them take our opinions and perspectives on issues into consideration as well because we put them in office for a reason

  2. I agree with the idea of "Burkean trustee" only to some extent. As we discussed in class, If we elect someone, then that person should be capable enough to make tough decisions which he/she knows would be best. But then again, if you elect a REPRESENTative, the obligation of that person ought to be to represent and listen to your needs and wants. But also, if that person is elected then it works for the government and sometimes that one person is going to have to think of the effect of policies or laws on citizens as a whole and not just its constituents which that person represents.

    1. I agree with Yohanna. There are times when representatives have to make some hard decisions on their own in hopes of pleasing their constituents. Representatives may know more on a certain issue than what the general public knows.

    2. I agree with both you. I think that it is very difficult for us, as the electorate, to be involved in every aspect of the policy making process. There is only so much that we can possibly have expertise on.

  3. I also agree with Burkean Trustee model to an extent. Burke's argument does make a great point, we vote for people who we think would best suit our interests and because they are knowledgeable and experienced, so we should be able to trust them... But then again, they should check with the people. After all, they are doing things based on our needs, and if they do not allow us to have a say, then what is the point? His argument is very conflicting in which it can go either way, but I am in between.
    Also, I do think most of them do make decisions based on reelection. Incumbents already know what to say and what to do so that the people will be able to reelect them, therefore rerunning again is an easy win for their own benefits.

  4. I agree with certain parts of both articles. I think that the constituents must trust their representatives enough to make decisions for the good of the people because they voted for him/her. Since they have the experience they actually have an idea of what they are doing and what their constituents want. But i also believe that they need to listen to the opinions of the constituents also. After all this is a democracy.I also do think that incumbents sometimes focus on staying in office because they get so used to it that they don't want to give up the seat to bring in fresher ideas. Since they have the networks and money , they usually of course will win.

  5. So, I agree with the Burkean Trustee model somewhat as well. People vote for a person and place their trust on them. By placing their trust on them, the people are also placing their trust in the choices the elected official makes as well as the official themselves. It is true that representatives should keep the opinions of the electorate in mind when making decisions, but they should also take their own action if they truly believe that their decision will help their constituents. On the flip side, if a representative doesn't listen to the people and makes some wrong decisions, people are going to learn from that and probably pay more attention to who they vote for next time.

  6. The 'Burkean Trustee' model shows to an extent on what a representative is, i believe that each candidate has a different view on what they should do to get themselves elected and re-elected. For example , if its a first time candidate, he would obviously follow this trustee model that would put the people in front of his own needs just because he is new and he doesnt know the pressure that this job has. No one knows how difficult or confusing it may be to actually be there until you get there . A representative who has had the experience of being elected knows what happens and that is where the model gets lost, because they know the pressure of passing something they may put what they believe in in front of what others believe in because doing so would be right for the people they represent and maybe they might not get the time to actually go over with the people they represent because they might not have time for that. But even so they will do some major things for their people especially just in time for the voting process.

  7. The job of a member of Congress is to represent its constituents. Through representation - the voice of the people is supposed to be heard. Representation is the prime part of American government (or at least it's supposed to be). This is an argument against the "Burkean Trustee" model.
    At the same time - the Congressman of a set of people was voted upon and therefore should be trusted by its constituents. Members of Congress are completely politically aware and therefore should be trusted to make the correct decisions for their constituents. (The argument for the "Burkean Trustee" Model). I am mostly on the side against against the Burkean Trustee model, but I also partly agree with it as well. There really is no one-sided answer for something like this.

  8. As my classmates said before me, I believe the Burkean Model to an extent. Our representatives are elected to make decisions for us. But they should make decisions after close examination of the issue and after they listen to what the people have to say. Everything a politician does is a mean to get reelected but it is the question if these politicians keep their word or not. It is unfair and undemocratic to make decisions solely based on gut instinct.

  9. I believe our voices should be heard. We maybe just an average American but we get first hand experience on what is really happening here in America. I feel like the Burkean Model isn't well fit for us. Yes there are some benefits, like the representative is actually more educated and they do know more about politics than us, but we as the people know the real issues. When the Representatives goes against our voice, they're pretty much shutting us down and listening to where the money is at. We should have our voices heard and not ignored just because they feel we are not well informed. We are first on everything so we know the true issues

  10. I agree with my fellow classmates that most congressmen do things for reelection but what is so wrong with that? I say that if they are helping my life a making it easier to live why not allow them. We as the constituence either way is going to be directly affected by any choices that they make so why not get as much perks to make our lives a little better in exchange for a congressmans reelection.
