Thursday, February 5, 2015

Congressional Term Limits

Based on the information I gave you in class today, as well as your own personal opinion (or any other information that you find) do you think that there should be term limits for members of congress? Why / why not? Discuss!

ALSO - just a quick note - there WILL be an FRQ tomorrow on interest groups and political parties, and how they each work to impact the political process.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The term limits that should be placed on the members of Congress should be similar to those of the President's. If a president can serve a total of 8 years in office - it should be similar for members of Congress. There is no reason for members of Congress to serve longer terms than the president. It just doesn't add up. Yes - the members of Congress can improve at their services and get to know their constituants better through serving longer terms, so I agree with the article in that case.
    Basically, my main point is that members of congress should serve in terms similar to the terms of the president.

  3. Terms limit in Congress , not only gives a new a chance to show just how close and how dedicated they are to the position that was given to them. Yes, older and experienced Congress people have a better understanding on how to make and interpret the laws. But how can a person become a great representative if they don't have the actual experience and if he is really bad as a representative then he will be removed in the next election ... having these limits will increase the chance of knowledge and open mindedness that many representatives need. Most have them have been in the same position for 20+ years , how would they know what the people what if they have spend most of their time in congress ? Not all people have the same needs for 20+ years straight.

  4. I believe there should be term limits in Congress. If there are term limits, that would mean Congress will become more open-minded and easily connect with the younger generation. Currently there are no term limits which means there are congressmen who have been in the same position for 20+ years. How would a congressman who is aged 65, has been isolated from the public be a fair official to represent the nation? There is a clear division between the youth and old and it would only grow worse as there are no congressmen who can relate to us. The nation is changing, but Congress is inflexible. If there are term limits there will be new and fresh people with different ideas that could benefit the public.

  5. I also believe that there should be term limits on congress members. It is true that these members that have stayed for a few decades know what they're doing and people have comfort in at least that aspect, but these members are so disconnected from the people and what they want. These congress members should give new, younger people a chance. Newer members would know what the problems of today are and provide fresh new views on other topics.

  6. I agree with Ashley Vargas that the limitation of congressmen in office would make for a more effective government because we need new members of congress that truly understand how we have changed our mindsets. Older members may have experience debating and writing laws, but the inclusion of new members allows for congress to take new approaches on legislation that are more modernized.

  7. Congress should have term limits, like the president. If the president (AKA the commander in chief) has a limit, congress should have limitations too. Giving the American people a fresh face, and not congress members whom have been in office for decades. Older and experienced congress members (20 Years+) might have represented their constituents in the past, when they first ran but now in this day and age they might not be the best representantive for the people. Giving them a limitless amount of terms can just cause corruption in our government.

  8. Honestly I do agree that Congress should have limits however I don't think that should be the same as the presidency.when we elect someone we hope that they will stay there for a long time and bring out new ideas and and sometimes it happens gradually however if you were to be there for long time it might even speed up the process.

  9. Congress members also need to have term limits. The incumbents tend to stick with the ideas that got them elected in the first place , which makes everything stagnant and dosen't allow for the advancement of a democracy. Also putting a limit prevents corruption in our government.

  10. I believe that terms should be imposed on congress members. People change and things change as well. We can't have a congressman or woman in there for so long when they stick to the same perspectives regarding many different aspects. What if people change their minds about what they want but there is this person in congress who's not updated with this changes. Also, there might be a lot potential members for congress out there and they might not have the opportunity to share his or her ideas to change policies in America. Change is sometimes needed!

  11. I too, believe term limits should be imposed on Congress. I believe that change is extremely beneficial and essential especially in the lawmaking process. Like the information stated today, it allows for congress to become more open minded and to pay attention on domestic issues in present day America and not so much on the past. Change is great and a limit should be placed. I would also like to agree with Elizabeth; they should be placed to avoid corruption in government as well.

  12. I think that there should be term limits. My group talked about it today and we all thought that a six-year term would be ideal. The congressmen would still be able to maintain their positions for quite some time. Also, a shorter four-year term would be less effective in passing certain laws (maybe members would just start aligning themselves more directly if the terms matched that of the POTUS. Six years would allow them to fill in for 1 1/2 terms of either the same Presidential figure or two different ones. This six-year term would be shorter than the traditional ten-year standard issue term. The length of the term would allow new members to cycle in their newer views or ideas while still maintaining a sense of balance and representation.
    We all believed that a ten-year term was too lengthy. Ideas change and shift over time, so shortening the terms would better represent the beliefs and views of The People.

  13. I think that Congress should have term limits because if the same old people are making the laws of this country there will be no new ideas because the older people will be stubborn in their older ideals. With term limits, new people will be in congress with their newer ideas and things may actually be done in this country.

  14. I also definitely think that everyone is congress should have a limited term that they serve. In economics class we spoke about how in the federal reserve, those who are members of the board of governors are only there for a limited amount of time in order to resist political pressure and to move along with the country. Now, if those who handling our money are expected to serve a limited time in order to move along with the country then how come those who make our laws are not? I'm pretty sure there are a few knuckle heads in congress that are so hell bent on their beliefs that they holding back the country's laws from progressing along with its people.

  15. Congress should have term limits. by setting term limits on both the senate and the house of reps, citizens will have to pay more attention to the elections since the incumbent will no longer remain in office. Citizens will potentially research the new candidates party platforms. With term limits in place the members of congress will work harder and faster on passing bills knowing that they have a limited time in their position. Some incumbents who have stayed in the same position for so long that they are no longer in touch with their citizens or state. Term limits will allow for fresh faces and candidates with new ideas that are more up to date with society.

  16. In American we are always facing change. We are a country that is always changing everyday and for us to stay stuck with one set of Congress, I feel like we need change overtime. I believe congress should have a term limit just like the president has. As one of the world top country we should allow equal chances to everyone to have a fair chance in Congress. If we allow unlimited terms, we will allow a person who has ideas from the past help run a country. We need new fresh ideas and help improve the ideas from the past, not live off the past In our current generation.

  17. There are something's that should remain the way they are and the term of congresmen is one of them. Why try to fix something that is not broken? If there is term limits on congressmen, the american constituence would have to put their trust in new politicians that don't have the amount of experience as the ones that was in office prior. Congress makes some of the most important decisions in America, it would be very risky to have a whole new group of politicians, who may bring a more modern outlook on policy but lack the overall experience and trust of the constituence into office to make those thought and crucial decisions.
