Thursday, January 15, 2015

The proliferation of the SuperPAC

As per our class discussion today (which was so rudely interrupted by the bell...), do you think SuperPACS should be regulated under the FEC? Discuss! Use your class notes and article to support you response (also.. I have postponed the FRQ until Tuesday, we still have one more item pertaining to campaign finance reform that needs to be discussed tomorrow) 


  1. I think SuperPACS should be regulated because i think they favor the rich. Also i see it as a way of buying a candidate's positions instead of having the candidate actually earning it. In the article it said the Supreme Court saw SuperPACS as a way of corruption because there are no laws that limit a superPAC from contributing large amounts of money.

    1. I agree with Elizabeth. SuperPACs do indeed create corruption.

    2. I don't think it favors the rich but I do agree that they are a gate opener to corruption.

    3. At first, I was going to say that SuperPACs should nt be regulated until I saw Elizabeth's comment about the rich having an advantage. I agree with with Elizabeth.

  2. Although I do agree with Elizabeth and the point she makes on how they are very wealthy and they can basically buy a candidate's position, I have to wonder if regulating them would really matter? I mean, as we discussed in class there are plenty of loopholes that still exist with superPACs not being able to contribute to a candidate at all... So if they are regulated will it really change something?
    But then again the supreme court did rule they may be seen as corrupt because they can contribute a lot of money to a cause that the candidate supports...
    I guess I'm for and against the idea of SuperPACs being regulated.

  3. In my perspective, SuperPACS should be regulated just like regular PACs are. It's extremely shocking to see the amount of money that it's spent on political processes in America. Just like it says it in the article, "SuperPACS are outraging and outspending the campaigns..." The amount of money spender it's just insane. I think regular PACs are more convenient and more fair at least. In addition, Rick Tyler finds SuperPACS to be "a horrible abomination for a freedom-republic." I totally agree with this statement. We discussed in class that SuperPACs create ads that ARENT "direct" but I believe they still make an impact on people's voting decisions. I just think that such tremendous amount of money shouldn't be spent on campaign process. There are better things that this country needs to be spending so much money on politics.

  4. I believe Super PACs should be regulated under the FEC. I found a different article on US News. Robert Weissman's article "Super PACs Promote Attack Ads and Special Interests" opposes these pacs and provides valid points. First, there are no members who are held accountable for the negative, or "attack", ads that are through around. These Super PACs have caused a proliferation of these ads to appear in American homes without any consequences. Another point is the invitation to corruption from wealthy donors. Since these pacs are not disclosed, they can shell out as much money as they want, thus diminishing the idea of a democratic society for America.

  5. I think Super PACs should be regulated because it is another way of allowing donors to pour unlimited sums of money into campaign. This could lead to corruption. If other campaign finance have been capped with a limit, then the Super PACs should as well.

  6. I also think that Super PACs should be regulated. However, I really don't think it'll be effective. My group believed that there will always be a loophole somewhere and that people will find a way to get around the law. The article said that Super PACs are really dominant, so I also don't think it would be easy to place regulations on these powerful PACs.

  7. Super PACs should be regulated. Although I believe people in politics are very sneaky and will find a way around it. It is just unbelievable that they can give unlimited sums of money for a supposed cause this could lead to corruption. If regulations were put I don't think it would stop these Super PACs from getting their way.

  8. If SuperPACs are regulated, there should just be no SuperPAC system at all - considering PACs are already in existence (and are regulated). If SuperPACs are going to be regulated - they could just change the limits or rules for the PAC system. The SuperPAC system has already been used for a while now and we would see too much of a large difference (and probably a stunt) in modern campaigning too soon.

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