Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Final Review

Know the following information for Friday’s final exam:

Presidential nomination process
The role of the media in the nomination / campaign  process
1968 DNC in Chicago – what happened there? What were the results?
Fraser-McGovern Commission
Buckley v. Valeo (1976) – what was the case and the court ruling?
McCain-Feingold Act of 2002
Matching funds (for campaign financing)
Soft money
Hard money
How would you define interest groups?
What is the difference between interest groups and political parties? Similarities?
Which groups are general supporters of the GOP? Of the DNC?
Define Federalism
Political efficacy (definition)
Political socialization (where do our ideas come from?)
Difference between an opened and closed primaries
Campaign strategy (three M’s)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

President's State of the Union Address

What are your thoughts about the President's address tonight? Most important points? Discuss! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The proliferation of the SuperPAC

As per our class discussion today (which was so rudely interrupted by the bell...), do you think SuperPACS should be regulated under the FEC? Discuss! Use your class notes and article to support you response (also.. I have postponed the FRQ until Tuesday, we still have one more item pertaining to campaign finance reform that needs to be discussed tomorrow) 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Negative campaign ads

Do negative campaign ads have a more positive or negative effect on the American electorate? Please use your readings to support your response. Also, make sure to also respond to someone else's point of view. Discuss!'

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Campaign positions

Today in class we discussed the campaign process and various job positions they might have to fill. Which positions, do you feel, are the most pertinent to the campaign?