Friday, December 5, 2014

David Brooks op-ed: Classism

Those of you that were in class today and were able to finish reading the article.. Share your thoughts below. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cass Sunstein - Republic 2.0

Today in class we discussed the answer to this very relevant question posed (and answered) by Sunstein.  
How will the Internet and the explosion of communications options alter the capacity of citizens to govern themselves?
What was Cass' argument in Republic 2.0 and do YOU agree with him? Provide evidence from your reading to support your response. Discuss!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Compulsory voting

Do you think compulsory is a viable option in the U.S. as a way to increase voter turnout? Why or why not? Discuss! (Feel free to quote some scholarly articles on the subject to support your arguments) 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Midterm elections - 2014! Open debate!

Since our class is ALL about understanding our government and the science behind what makes us work, why not apply that knowledge to yesterday's elections.  Find ONE article from today's newspapers that discuss the long term impact of the latest election results. Share where the article came from, discuss the main idea article, as well as any bias you might detect.  Also, please evaluate the election results overall and discuss what implications these results will have for our President.  Feel free to respond to your classmates! :)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Berelson article

Berelson argues that, in order for our democratic system to work properly and benefit us all, there must be "less popular participation and more political apathy."  He further argues that if we all fulfilled  our basic requirements as democratic citizens, then our government would cease to work properly. Do you agree with him? Why? Why not? Discuss! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Current events - Supreme Court

This past week in class, we have learned a great deal from another with regards to the role of the Supreme Court in determining policy in the United States.  We have learned that our high court serves as an 'ump' of sorts, sifting through various disputes between the states and our federal government.  We have also discovered that sometimes, quite shockingly, that pendulum (judicial decisions) had swung in directions we wouldn't really expect (again.. Depending on the judicial interpretation).  For homework, I have asked you to find a current Supreme Court case (within the past two years... Maybe even within the past two months) that has dealt with more current disputes between the federal and and state governments.   Below, discuss a case you found, where you found it, and the main idea behind the case. Then, discuss the verdict, where it would fall on our class continum (that we drew on the board) and why. Discuss the long term impact that this case has had or will have on American society, and your opinion on the judicial decision. Feel free to respond to each other!! Discuss!! I'm watching... Hehe :) 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Reflection - Beard v. Roche - whose argument makes the most sense to you?

As per today's seminar in class - who did you personally agree with and why? (cite evidence to support your response) Then, create a hashtag that the theorist YOU chose would have used / created to express their ideas. Ex. -  #allforthemoney

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Please be sure to bring your Woll Readers tomorrow!! You'll need them to pull evidence in your groups!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reflections on Fed vs. Anti-Fed Debate

Since we really didn't get a chance to reflect in class... 
What did you feel was the most relevant argument during our debate? Why? What side did you personally lean towards? Why? Discuss! See you 10/1!!! ☺️ 

Federalist 51 - due 10/1

Questions on Madisons Federalist Number 51 - due 10/1. 

What are the three branches of government?

Which branch did Madison think would be the weakest?

Which methods does Madison suggest to check the powers of government?

How is the separation of powers between the three branches assured?

Give two examples of the checks and balances in the U.S. constitutional system.

Which branch appears as an exception to the separation of powers norm? Why is this exception not dangerous?

What is federalism?

What are the two great advantages of federalism, according to Madison?

What is the end (supreme goal) of government, according to Madison?

What is Madisons view of human nature and how does it affect his prescriptions for the republic?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ponder this...9/9/14 - David Brooks Op-Ed

David Brooks argues that America needs to change the course of our foreign policy, from the inside out.  He specifically says that, in comparison to our past foreign policy, "..Today, democratic self-confidence is low." Do you agree? Do you think America has to change its course in dealing with these world issues?  Why or why not? If so, how?  Explain.  Please feel free to respond to other's comments as well, in an appropriate, respectful way.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Homework! Make sure to read over your course agreement + syllabus with your guardians at home. Return it signed by Friday for your first homework grade!