Thursday, October 30, 2014

Berelson article

Berelson argues that, in order for our democratic system to work properly and benefit us all, there must be "less popular participation and more political apathy."  He further argues that if we all fulfilled  our basic requirements as democratic citizens, then our government would cease to work properly. Do you agree with him? Why? Why not? Discuss! 


  1. I agree with Berelson and his argument. If every single person would be a "perfect democratic citizen" then there will be multiple ideas in our system. With so many different ideas thrown, it is just too chaotic for a government system to function. Just like the Ancient Greeks, there is a need of balance. There must be a group of citizens who will be apathetic to balance out those who are actively participating.

  2. I also agree with Berelson. It seems to be beneficial to the country for it impossible for everyone to meet up to the standards of a democratic citizen. The only way anyone can meet up to those standards is if they eat, sleep, and breathe politics. Just like Alondra said, our government would cease to work if too many people were perfect democratic citizens. That would just take hyperpluralism to a whole new level.

  3. I also agree with Berelson. As stated by Berelson "We have learned slowly in economic life that it is useful not to have everyone a butcher or a baker, any more than it is useful to have no skilled in such activities." This shows that our government works better when individualistic traditions are present.

  4. I sort of agree with Berelson. It is true that our government would be able to work more efficiently if we ALL fulfill our responsibilities as a citizen such as voting. Our votes are very important and we cannot leave it up to someone else to go to the polls. If a specific group of people does not vote at all, then that group might not be getting what they want to since their opinions/perspectives are unknown. The people who benefit more from the gov, are those who actually vote.

  5. I agree with Berelson because if too many people have a strong opinion on how government should run, there will be a clash and the government will cease to run, just like when the government closed down last year. Political apathy is healthy in running a successful government, and just like Ashley said, if we all were ideal democratic citizen, it will be hyper-hyper pluralism.
