Wednesday, September 10, 2014

President's 9/10 speech

Reflections on the president's address on ISIS? 


  1. It was very interesting still trying to take in what I heard but one thing that is very strong and profound statement is the repetion of this line, "It is America.. It is America. That statement speaks volumes, because America has fought time and time again for justice they "represent" justice a sign of hope a new begining. Can it be said that we are looked up too. The answer is yes, if I recall right when the president stated based on a mans remark, "Someone who felt our struggle.." it is America who will and is remembered. Also listening to the comments of the speech Obama is certainly confident in the leadership of our people our commanders. There is no way of telling if his actions will go either way were it will be necessary for ground force. However our history may differ.

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  3. Obama's speech made me so damn proud to be an American! All the major newspapers have covered his speech with the grabbing line of "if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven!" Which encompasses everything he said in his speech. And Obama is usually a guy who gets criticized for not being very demanding or "hard core" but today he was so serious! It made me, in a way, feel safe and protected by my government. I also really love the fact that he enforced Iraq to become centralized and gather themselves up to together, fight off ISIS. He's protecting Iraq and by ensuring that they are centralized he's making sure that they stay safe and able to fight off other forces beyond Isis and beyond this incident. I'm really excited to see how people are going to critique this because everything he's usually criticized for was just not present today.

  4. Obama's speech was very interesting and straightforward. It is clear that the main goal of this operation is to obliterate all traces of the terrorists in Iraq not by war and combat, but by increasing the power of aircraft to revolt against them. His tactics are very strategic, and not only is he trying to protect us civilians here at the United States, but he is also trying to provide protection for the innocent civilians in Iraq against the radical extremists (ISIS). I find it very appealing how he'd like to continue providing humanitarian aide to the innocent people of Iraq; this is him promoting unity, and allowing those poor civilians to know that the United States is there to provide them with safety and help. Although I must say getting involved is probably not the best idea, the situation will keep on escalating unless it is addressed. Miriam, I agree with you. There's no way in telling how far his attempts for Iraq will go, but this is our president of the United States acting as the chief and commander of the army and taking actions towards an important issue that must be resolved.

  5. I agree with Gilberto, Obama was very clear with stating that Isis is an important threat and we will work diligently to "degrade and destroy" this threat. I also liked how clear Obama was with saying that there will be no combat troops fighting on the ground like in the other wars we are presently in. He stated that we will be using airstrikes and we will send military to help train the Iraqi and Syrian resistance to Isis. Obama also directly supported Brook's argument in the article we read yesterday. He said that "Abroad American leadership is the one constant in an uncertain world." Even though we are reaching out to the UN for support and we are mostly backing up those being directly effected right now such as Iraqi and Syrian citizens, it is America that is leading this coalition to fight off this extremist terrorist group.

  6. Thank you Derrick and you all are very right, very well said.

  7. In my perspective, this was a very cleam and straightforward speech. He stated in what position we stand right now, what we intend to and how we will approach these goals. I liked when he said "We stand with people who fight for their freedom" . Since the Iraqis are fighting for their freedom, we will stand with them and fight together. He also stated that American stands for peace, justice and freedom. Additionally, Obama said that we'll strengthen our defenses. I believe this was a great and explicit speech.

  8. Obamas speech actually surprised me. This time he was very straight forward and he got to the point really quickly. He insured us that we are protected and secured. America will continue not to stand and fight terrorism. Since this was a big deal, and many were paranoid. I think his strategy in speaking, was on point! He used words that most of America can actually understand. That's why I think it was very effective. Obama wanted everyone to understand, we are sending troops but not for combat, more as to advice and stabilize Iraq. "ISIL is certainly not a state... It is recognized by no government nor by the people it subjugates ISIL is a terrorist organization pure and simple." In my opinion, his speech was very simple but very effective. Effective as to securing the American people and warning all terrorist organization that they will be "degraded and destroyed"

  9. Obama's speech had no fluff and got straight to business. He mentioned his 5 step plan and i can't wait to see it go into effect. i also love how he went on to mention all the advancements the U.S. has made in the recent decade.
